Naturtonix Baru Nuts

SKU Naturtonix Baru Nuts 12oz


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Gluten Free
100% Natural



Baru Nuts or Barúkas are a very crunchy nut with a lighter flavor than peanuts. This gives the nut a wonderful aftertaste.

Baru Nuts are thought to be a supernut as they have a very low carbohydrate count and are made up of 24% pure plant based protein. The nuts are very high in fibre, antioxidants, vitamin e, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Baru nuts have zero grams of sugar and are lower in calories than cashews, almonds, peanuts, walnuts and macadamia nuts.

The Naturtonix Baru nuts are wildly grown and sustainable sourced from the Brazilian Savannah. These nuts are lovingly packed into a 10oz resealable bag to ensure that you enjoy a fresh, delicious product! Seal and store in a cool, dry place for maximum crunchiness.